What is Covid-19?

COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. WHO first learned of this new virus on 31 December 2019, following a report of a cluster of cases of ‘viral pneumonia’ in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China.

If you are having mild symptoms for last 3-4 days

  • If you have not get tested, please get tested.
  • Isolate yourself in a well ventilated room. Tell everyone to keep some distance from you.
  • Drink fluids. You lose more water when you're sick.
    Dehydration can make symptoms worse and cause other health problems.
  • Wear Masks. Wash your hands regularly. Use Sanitizer.
  • Clean and disinfect common surfaces like doorknobs, counters, and tabletops.
  • Purchase some Vitamin-C tablets, Zinc tablets and multivitamins. Take them daily.
  • Consult your doctor and report him if things get worse.
  • Perform warm water gargles or take steam inhalation twice a day.

If you are having mild to moderate symptoms for last 8-9 days.

  • Again I will say the same thing, if you have not get tested, please get tested.
  • You need to follow the same steps which are discussed above.
  • Drink fluids. Wear masks.
  • You are in most critical stage of Covid-19. It is the time when this virus may progress beyond upper respiratory tract. and attack lower respiratory tract i.e., lungs. But, if you are taking Vitmain-C and Zinc tablets, you need not worry. You have to trust your own immune system.
  • Take Kadha daily. You may take it twice in a day. But, if you are not facing much cold and cough and breathing problems, Taking Kadha once will be enough. More than required amount of Kadha can can generate excessive heat in the body.
  • Take one spoon turmeric daily with either milk or water.
  • Do not take Kadha and turmeric unnecessarily if you do not have any symptoms. People think that such herbs cannot cause harm to the body. However, in reality, excess consumption of kadha or any herbal concoctions can lead to many side-effects such as excessive bleeding, digestive issues, acidity, boils in the mouth, bleeding from the nose.
  • A patient had consumed two tablespoons of turmeric with water, three times per day, for two-three months. His eyes turned yellow due to presence of some yellowish substance in blood. Therefore, you can take Kadha and turmeric once in a day for only this specific period. After recovery, you should not continue this daily.
  • Consult your doctor and report him if things get worse.
  • Perform warm water gargles or take steam inhalation twice a day.

If you are facing respiratory problems.

  • First thing you should do is to lie down on your stomach as shown in picture.
  • Contact your doctor and tell him about your problem.
  • Breathlessness may be indication of lung-infection. You should get a CT-scan but only after consulting your doctor.
  • Do some breathing exercises regularly. Check your oxygen levels every hour. If your oxygen level goes down below 92, inform your doctor. If your oxygen level further goes down below 89 and it does not raise above 90 for 15-20 minutes, you need oxygen. You need not panick in such situation. Panicking may have more adverse effects.